In the current climate, with businesses closed across the country and face-to-face interviews no longer taking place, more and more people are turning to video technology to maintain momentum with their hiring plans. And quite right too! History has proven time and time again that businesses that adapt to change and that innovate are the ones to prosper.
Don’t let the current situation hold you back from achieving your goals. Positions still need to be filled, and you can still secure great candidates and get them up and running remotely. The companies that will be least affected by the unforeseen challenges covid has thrown at us will be the ones that manage to maintain operations as close to BAU as possible. Don’t let social distancing stop you from securing your dream hire. Video interviewing software is the answer to business continuity and here’s why…
If you haven’t explored video interviewing as an option before then you were actually already a little behind the curve as many businesses have been enjoying the added flexibility video provides since long before Corona prompted anything but a ‘yes please’ response. First off, there’s no travel involved. ‘Ideal,’ I hear you say. But not just in response to covid. It also means you’ll have access to candidates from further afield as they can interview from wherever, whenever giving you a much wider pool of talent to choose from. There’s also no time off required which is perfect for candidates who are considering their options but who might struggle to get time off from their current roles. With self-isolation and social distancing on everyone’s mind, the flexibility video offers are essential for combatting the repercussions of COVID-19.
We’ve all heard the phrase “Time is money” and we’re all guilty of complaining about not having enough of it. You've possibly said that you’d consider video before but just didn’t have the time to explore it properly. Plus, you were successful with your current processes, so why bother? Well, thanks to COVID-19, none of us have the luxury of meeting candidates in person anymore. But that doesn’t mean you have to halt your hiring plans. It means that now is the time to explore video properly, to embrace the change, and to make the best of a bad situation.
Adding video interviewing to your hiring process increases the interview-to-hire ratio by 70%. In many cases you know within the first five or ten minutes if a candidate is right for the role or not, but with face-to-face, you have no option to stop the interview. With video you do. We’ll conduct your first stage interviews for you. Then we’ll send these back to you in a candidate shortlist for review. So you’ve immediately skipped a whole stage in the process. Plus you’ve avoided needless diary coordination and saved yourself tonnes of time sitting through interviews (even virtual ones) with people you know aren’t the right fit. The best part is, we don’t charge you anymore for this service! It’s all just part of our offering.
We’ve already suggested that those who are open to new ideas to ‘keep on keeping on’ during COVID-19 will be the ones who thrive once we’re through the other side. But there’s another consideration too. The fact is, people are still hiring. Agile businesses are determined to keep going and are not taking this lying down. If you’re not still hiring, you’re simply going to miss out on the best talent to those who still are. The ones who are changing it up and refusing not to move forward will reap the rewards. Everyone wants to work for people who care about their employees and who are determined not to be beaten. Introducing video to your hiring process instead of putting a stop to it until it’s all blown over ensures you’re not missing out.
Be flexible, save time, get the best talent and keep your business moving forward.